K-bar is one of the best bars of Copenhagen, Denmark. Classic cocktails and modern cocktails served with lots of gin, tonic, whisky, martini, espresso martini, margarita, tequila. Where to drink in Copenhagen? K-bar is located downtown Copenhagen. K-bar is a bar near strøget, stroget, the shopping street in Copenhagen.
Dit ønske er hørt! Vi har oprettet en ekstra dato til vores udsolgte Cocktailkursus.
Bliv den bedste bartender blandt dine venner: lær at sammensætte smag, brug barudstyr og lav dine egne cocktails ved at bruge det, du har i dit kokken. Kirsten og Nikolaj vil lære dig det grundlæggende i cocktailfremstilling, så du kan lave lækre cocktails derhjemme, ligesom dem du drikker på K-Bar.
Oplev cocktailens magi med os, når Kirsten og Nikolaj, to af landets bedste og mest erfarne bartendere, lærer fra sig og viser en række af de små tricks og fif, der ligger bag en professionelt mikset cocktail.
Om Kirsten Holm og Nikolaj Brøndsted
Kirsten Holm ejer og har drevet K-BAR i næsten 20 år. Kirsten Holm har vundet priser for sine cocktails ved konkurrencer i både ind- og udland. Nikolaj Brøndsted er selvstændig bar- og spirituskonsulent, med en lang række ansættelser bag sig som barchef og partner hos blandt andre VAKKA, BRØNNUM og MASH.
Feeling like partying like is 1920? These drinks have wild stories behind them! Take a step back in time in our Prohibition-themed tasting with Erik Seifon!
The prohibition is an era of chaos and glamour. While some speakeasy bars produced “gin in a bathtub”, others hosted wild parties with Hollywood stars like Mary Pickword, who got a delicious drink named after her.
You’ll hear true accounts of the crazy and often dangerous things that were done to illegally produce, transport, and sell liquor.
Join K-Bar Talks for a booz and vintage night.
***The Event***
While you learn about the stories behind each drink, we will serve you 3 rare cocktails that have fascinating stories and flavours.
The myths behind the Martini are plenty. K-Bar Talks is going to surprise you with the stories behind this legendary drink, and you get to taste 3 different Martini versions guided by Erik Seifon.
Was the original Martini with olives or a lemon twist?
Martini has played in popular culture ever since its invention in 1849, or maybe it was the 1880s, or possibly 1906, who knows? It might involve stories of gold miners going to the bar after striking it rich. Or was it because of a Rockfeller in a hotel in New York? Why and when did the name change from Martinez to Martini?
Whatever version you heard, it was definitely NOT concocted by Agent 007, who ordered his “shaken and not stirred” in Ian Fleming’s 1958 novel “Dr. No.
The Event
You will taste 3 different Martini Cocktails. You’ll leave with more than the usual James Bond story to tell the next time you talk about your favourite Martini.
Dry Martini
Martini Twist – a secret choice for the event
Experience the evolution of the Martini guided by Erik Seifon .
16:45 – Doors open
17:00 – Event begins
18:00 – 15 minute break / Set for Q&A
19: 00 – End of event
Cancellation policy: We are sad to see you go, but if you change your mind and you can’t come to the event, we can offer you a full refund if you email kirsten@k-bar.dk NO LATER THAN the 20th of September before 13:00 – Email title: “Cancellation MYTH MARTINI” with your name/surname. All e-mails received after this deadline, won’t be refunded.
Why are Danish Gins so different from the rest of the world?
Denmark’s distilleries are being inventive and unorthodox, using ingredients that result in gins that differ wildly from the traditional bitter ones you may be used to.
These “Ny Dansk Gin” mavericks are making gin that is fun to taste: the result is an explosion of exquisite and unique-tasting gins that you can only find in Denmark.
Join Michael Sperling, a spirits specialist and writer, who is bringing 6 of the most interesting hidden Dansk gin gems for our tasting.
He’ll guide us through each of these special gins and, like a forensic scientist, will teach us how to uncover every single note behind the explosion of flavours found in every sip.
We promise you, you will never have a boring G&T after this evening.
Danish Gin Pairings:
Four Jigger Gin
Njord Mild Wilderness Gin
Anholt Plukke Gin 2
Radius Distillery Batch 38
Bornholm Distillery Cask Aged Gin
Herbie Organic Gin
Ticket includes:
6 unique gin pairings
1 portion of hors d’oeuvres made by a chef
1 exclusive gin cocktail
Doors open at 16:45. Don’t be late!
17:00 – Event begins
18:00 – 15 minute break / Gin Cocktail is served
19: 00 – End of event
Cancellation policy:
We are sad to see you go, but if you change your mind and you can’t come to the evnet, we can offer you a full refund if you email kirsten@k-bar.dk NO LATER THAN 13:00 on FRIDAY, 03 of SEPTEMBER 2021 – Email title: “Cancellation GIN N.1” with your name/surname. All e-mails received after this deadline, won’t be refunded.
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